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10 iOS Games From E3 2011

The Electronic Entertainment Expo is coming to a close today and after several days of being blown away by gazillion-dollar-demonstrations, breathtaking graphics and the coolest upcoming titles gaming has to offer, we'd like to point out the 10 coolest iOS games on the horizon that we can't wait to get our mitts on.

Katamari Amore

In the grand Katamari tradition of rolling a large, sticky ball over everything to pick up larger and larger objects (no matter what havoc this may wreak) comes Namco Mobile's brand new version of "I Love Katamari 2" for your iPhone, iPod touch or iPad. If its original "I Love Katamari" predecessor is any indication, this is worth getting psyched over, as there are few better things than rolling over anything and everything in your path to hopefully appease the King of All Cosmos...

The Galaga 30th Collection

You threw way too many quarters into the arcade version of Galaga back in the 80's, and now it's time to bring it to the iOS. Namco Mobile released a universal version of Galaga on June 9, complete with complimentary versions of Galaxian, Gladius and Galaga '88, as well as in-app purchases built into the game.

The downside is that 30 years after the fact, Galaga may just get its hooks into you once again. But on the upside: You'll save money compared to three decades ago...

UFC Undisputed Fight Nation

It'll need some looking into, but THQ is looking to release a showcase title for both Facebook and Apple's iOS in the form of UFC Undisputed Fight Nation this week. Full details have yet to be disclosed, but there shall be pummeling and training action available for those who want it.

And that's not always a bad thing.


Since pummeling an opponent isn't everyone's thing, Namco Mobile will be releasing Mooniacs, a cool puzzle game in which your character must both gather assorted JuJuBees as well as pieces of your wrecked spaceship in a given order to complete the level. Your alien character features specific traits which must be unlocked throughout the game and the title sports over 90 levels and three worlds to explore.

More details on this as we get it, but it looks fun and we're definitely looking forward to playing around with this.

Madden NFL 12

There's a saying about the 500-pound gorilla sitting absolutely anywhere it wants to and this is applicable to Madden NFL 12 for iOS, which is slated for an August 20 release date. Per EA Mobile, the game will feature nearly 2,000 players, 32 NFL trams and new game modes exclusive to the iOS platform. The app will also be universal and compatible with the iPhone, iPod touch and iPad all in one go.

More information on this as we get it, but it's cool to see the gridiron obsession live on via your favorite iOS device!

Street Fighter 4: Volt

Here you go:

It may not make you a better person, but it looks fun. Capcom's Street Fighter 4: Volt, available later by mid-July, serves as the "Super" edition for the iOS and offers 18 playable characters with four new characters to the iOS platform.

The game offers a nifty Wi-Fi-based matchmaking service as well as Bluetooth multiplayer support, a meaty plethora of new moves, combos, customizable controls, unlocks and achievements and is the summer fighting game/button-masher you were hoping to pass time by the pool with...


You may never have been that great at Battleship growing up, but this shouldn't ruin your experience on other platforms. Slated for an iOS release this week, EA Mobile's version of the board game classic features Classic Mode as well as free-fire Salvo Mode, Super Weapons Mode, Hotseat mode, Wi-Fi support, Bluetooth and Pass 'n Play modes.
If redeeming your childhood Battleship losses isn't a compelling enough reason, a role-playing element in which you can level up from Seaman to Admiral and grab achievements never hurts...

Surviving High School

In retrospect, we all know what we'd do if we had to go back and do high school all over again (as well as how to be ultra-cool in the process). With that in mind comes Surviving High School, a story-based game in which you take on the role of a new high school student exploring their surroundings.
Gameplay functions on a multiple choice basis, each answer leading to a different possible response as well as a change in how others perceive and react to your character.
Survivng High School is currently available in the App Store and receives frequent updates and content expansions, so take a look and see what you think.

Contre Jour

This was unusual, but it was amazing. Take a physics engine similar to the nigh-legendary "World of Goo" and combine it to a format where you have to deform terrain on the fly to help an amorphous blob named "Petit" reach an exit point on each level. It's weird, it involves tentacles which must be latched onto and swung from Tarzan-style, but it features an amazing music track to play to and proved to be one of the coolest titles I could have hoped to see.

Contre Jour will be available on the App Store in July and a final price has yet to be decided.

The best part might just be this: in the midst of the largest video game trade show in the United States, the iOS is by no means the weak sister of a game platform and is worth developing for. There's no shortage of good stuff on the horizon and the App Store has pretty much been everything a game publisher could want from a marketplace.

And that's never a bad thing.